Through the Yukon with a jeep and roof tent

Mit Jeep und Dachzelt durch den Yukon

From blogger Elisa, road tripper from Allgäu (

Road trip Yukon, Canada. When you take your first steps on Canadian soil, you get the impression that this is the land of long beards, big cars, red checked shirts and lonely wilderness. Of course, that's a bit much cliché for the first few lines, because Canada is exactly that, but it's actually so much more. Obvious things, but sometimes hidden behind dense greenery. It stands for bears and moose, for legends and stories, for endless expanses and for road trips that are unparalleled anywhere else in the world. And believe me, I speak from experience.

I was particularly impressed by this deserted expanse during my road trip through the Yukon. To give you a feel for what I mean by that, let me briefly juggle a few numbers: Germany has almost 83 million people per 357,000 km². In the Yukon there are 38,000 people in over 482,000 km², an area spanning Germany, Austria and Switzerland combined! A paradise for every outdoor person, road trip lover, camper and... for me.


... the continuation of this impressive journey with fascinating pictures can be found at